Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some Exciting Happenings...

I feel like I have so much to share so go ahead grab a cup of coffee or iced tea, sit back and relax!

First... a new page is up on the blog all about our "Race for Makenna" - we are so excited about this event and hope that many of you will come out and join us on October 6th at the Perkiomen Trail.  If you're on Facebook - be sure you "like" our Race for Makenna page (and if you're not on Facebook - what are you waiting for???).  Make sure you go read the page dedicated to the race!

Second... the first one was such a success that we have decided to have a second Yard & Bake Sale!  We have set the date for Saturday, September 8th starting at 7:00AM.  So... if you are a baker, cleaner or yard saler - we are asking for your help again!  We will come pick up any items that you would like to donate - feel free to email me!  If you are a yard saler - mark your calendars now (this one will be held at my Mom's house!).

Does it feel like the end of summer vacation to you?  I can't believe that in less than two weeks we will be back to homework, agendas, lunchboxes, and bedtimes!  Ugh...  these are not a few of my favorite things!  I love the freedom of summer vacation - staying up late with kiddos, letting them sleep in, and making lunch at lunchtime (not breakfast).  Well, like it or not - here it comes!  In the midst of our "laid back" summer we managed to get all our paperwork ready for the first phase of our adoption - mission accomplished! 

Today we shipped off our I-800A to USCIS (United States Customs and Immigration Service)! 

I was so excited to send that packet off today - the first real sense of accomplishment.  This "paper chase" is coming to an end just like summer vacation.  So, this August I find myself with a sense of excitement and anticipation as we start a new school year - hopefully Makenna will be home to celebrate the end of the school year with us in June!  That is something to look forward to - so let's see if we can get some comments - what are you looking forward to this "school" year? Post your comments below...

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