Sunday, November 3, 2013

Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday, a day set aside each November to remember orphans in crisis all over the world and even in our backyard. Our family had the privilege of visiting a church this morning to watch the child dedication of three precious children - three children that have blessed three families - three families that have been blessed by adoption.  Three very different stories, different from ours, too; but stories that all reflect God's command to care for orphans. 

A few months ago, a teenage boy in Florida walked into a church and pleaded for a family. The story broke out in headlines all over the country. The response to this plea was 10,000 families that expressed interest in adopting this boy, Davion.  My heart rejoices that 10,000 families wanted to give Davion a family.  Then, my heart breaks. My heart breaks for the millions of children around the globe, my heart breaks for the thousands of children in the foster care system. Where is their voice? I pray that Davion opens the eyes and hearts of families everywhere. I pray that Davion's plea awakens the church to a call for action. 

Our family was called to adoption. God commands all of us to care for orphans. (Note: Jessica is getting on her soapbox - listen up!). It's not an option -- get up and do something for the 147 MILLION orphans in the world. Not everyone is called to adopt a child, but everyone can do something:

Support an adopting family - financially, prayerfully, help with meals, give them a hug!

Sponsor a child -- either through a sponsorship program or through an orphan advocacy program.

Volunteer and/or support an organization that meets the needs of orphans.

Provide a safe and loving home for a child in foster care.

There are so many ways to get involved - right now! You can start by logging on to Samaritan's Purse website and prepare a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child -- help give a child a gift of HOPE.

Last November, Makenna was living in an orphanage in China. She bore the title "orphan" to the world. BUT, she was the daughter of a Great God who had a Great Plan for her. Today, she bears the names of daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and more. AND... She will never bear the title orphan again.

Join me in praying for the children without a voice - be their voice!

I blog with BE Write

Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday, a day set aside each November to remember orphans in crisis all over the world and even in our backyard. Our family had the privilege of visiting a church this morning to watch the child dedication of three precious children - three children that have blessed three families - three families that have been blessed by adoption.  Three very different stories, different from ours, too; but stories that all reflect God's command to care for orphans. 

A few months ago, a teenage boy in Florida walked into a church and pleaded for a family. The story broke out in headlines all over the country. The response to this plea was 10,000 families that expressed interest in adopting this boy, Davion.  My heart rejoices that 10,000 families wanted to give Davion a family.  Then, my heart breaks. My heart breaks for the millions of children around the globe, my heart breaks for the thousands of children in the foster care system. Where is their voice? I pray that Davion opens the eyes and hearts of families everywhere. I pray that Davion's plea awakens the church to a call for action. 

Our family was called to adoption. God commands all of us to care for orphans. (Note: Jessica is getting on her soapbox - listen up!). It's not an option -- get up and do something for the 147 MILLION orphans in the world. Not everyone is called to adopt a child, but everyone can do something:

Support an adopting family - financially, prayerfully, help with meals, give them a hug!

Sponsor a child -- either through a sponsorship program or through an orphan advocacy program.

Volunteer and/or support an organization that meets the needs of orphans.

Provide a safe and loving home for a child in foster care.

There are so many ways to get involved - right now! You can start by logging on to Samaritan's Purse website and prepare a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child -- help give a child a gift of HOPE.

Last November, Makenna was living in an orphanage in China. She bore the title "orphan" to the world. BUT, she was the daughter of a Great God who had a Great Plan for her. Today, she bears the names of daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and more. AND... She will never bear the title orphan again.

Join me in praying for the children without a voice - be their voice!

I blog with BE Write

A Fall Update

I can't even believe it has been over three months since my last post! It probably goes without saying, but our energies have been intently focused on our family and settling into a new normal.  I'm not one to sugarcoat the truth; the past three months have been challenging (some days are more challenging than others). In the midst of the challenges, Makenna has woven her way into the deepest part of our hearts.  She is a little girl with a strong spirit and will, yet each week, we begin to see her vulnerability to us increase - her trust is building and it is a beautiful sight to behold.

The honeymoon is definitely over, I went back to work, all three kids started back to school, and we were back at the baseball fields! As I look back at our wait to travel and all the hiccups along the way, it is so clear to see that God had a plan all along. I count it such a blessing that my time off from work started on the last week of school and ended the week school started - how incredible is that?!? I was so blessed to spend the entire summer home with my three children. 

Makenna LOVES school - I can't even describe how nervous we were about her adjustment to school and she never shed a tear (unlike Mommy!). She is truly thriving and learning more everyday. We love to hear her sing new songs and tell us stories about her friends.

A lot of people ask us how Megan and Matthew are adjusting to their little sister - these two kids amaze me. They have lived through the rough transition with us on a daily basis, and they continue to love her daily and extend grace through all the difficult times. They are doing great and we are so proud of them!

What else???... After three and a half months of sleeping on a mattress on Makenna's floor, I am back in my own bed! Jason & I even had a date night at the end of September.

Here are some pictures from the last three months!

I blog with BE Write

Thursday, July 18, 2013

One Month!

It's hard to believe that I have been holding this precious girl in my arms for one month!  Yesterday (July 17th) was one month since Gotcha Day - today is one month since our adoption was finalized in China!  In some ways it feels like forever-ago and others it feels like yesterday!  Makenna is adjusting to our family so well, it is clear that she was perfectly picked by God to be a Benner!  Our prayers have been answered.  Now... that is not to say everything is "peaches-n-cream", we definitely have our moments.  This is a time of adjustment for everyone!  It has been a long time since we had a four year old.  Meals, bedtime, playtime and even a ride in the car have a whole new dimension.  But... for the most part... we are all loving our new "normal".  This little girl has captured our hearts - our lives are richer, funnier, more challenging and our relationships are getting deeper.  There is nothing that can make our heart flutter like hearing a little girl in broken English say "Amen" after dinner prayers, sing Jesus Loves Me before bedtime or belt our our family's beloved theme song with the rest of us.  She is home and we are one month into our forever.  Yesterday was a good day to capture some fresh pictures... not that I'm biased or anything -- but isn't she just beautiful???

Love to all,

The perfect night to celebrate with Rita's!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome Home Makenna!

Thursday evening we arrived HOME... I think the pictures require no words to tell the story...

Welcome Home Makenna - we love you to the moon and back!